Meditation Day 1, 20080820

Today was the first day i meditated, according to some rule. it was very difficult keeping the random thoughts out of my head. what i did was concentrate on the movement of the air i was breathing through my nostrils to my lungs and back out again. i also combined a little bit of what i used to when i did meditation before, i had a black blanket or black sky. i would use that to wipe off the thoughts and focus back on the breathing. time flew by like it was nothing. 15 minutes turned into 20minutes in a flash. a few times i was disturbed by a sound of popping wood in the furniture, or a door being locke/unlocked/opened in the hallway, but i am currently living in the barracks. finding time and places to meditate will be difficult, and also i must keep practicing.

in case if you're wondering where i got my meditation tips and rules from, it is: http://www.how-to-meditate.org

Notes on Breathing Meditation:
1.) Stop all distractions
2.) Find a quiet place
3.) sit with your back straight ##this is to prevent a "slack" mind
a.) your legs do not have to be crossed, just be relaxed with a straight back
4.) Partially close your eyes and focus on the end of your nose
5.) Focus on your natural breathing. follow it in your body through your nostrils.
a.) through the nostrils is a peaceful state of breathing, thus what we want. mouth breathing is an active breathing, we want to be peaceful.

At first, you may notice that you seem to be more distracted, and your mind becomes more clouded, but that is just because you are slowing down to realize how busy your mind is. remain focused and if you stray, or a thought comes in your mind, go back to your breathing as soon as possible. it takes time to practice.

these are all just my notes from the website. im not intending to plagiarize, if i am, tell me and i will correct myself. ill be posting more about this when i meditate. my experiences, and also what i have accomplished. take it easy ya'll.

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