Meditation continuation...

my mediations, have been scarce as of late cause of my hectic work schedule, and just the level of energy i can devote to doing it. every once in a while i also try to look for a spirit guide, like what the native americans used, not an angel or whatever, just a spirit to be tehre to ask the questions or to listen. so far, its either a babbling spanish woman in flannel shirt and blue jeans, or it was just a random thought. but im still searching. call me a mystic or whatever, but its just something im working on.

as an idea that just came up, im also going to post libra information, so if you have a question on who i am, or waht i am like, you can refer to that. so, ill get at ya'll later.

death letters

is it wrong to write a death letter? in preperation of me leaving to get deployed, ive been working on death letters to people i love and care about, knowing my luck though, ill never have to deliver them, cause if i say it, or think it, it wont happen, so hopefully that luck/unluck carries over. as a matter of opsec, i cant divulge any departure dates or locations, but if you follow the war and stuff, you'll have a good idea. well, im off to bed, just had to post this idea before i forget. thanks to all who read this, and if anything happens, and you dont get a letter, i love you too.